Friday, January 30, 2015


The title of this log may sound harsh but there are so many lies /misleading tidbits out there for new Mommies. Nor example, today an e - newsletter from we shall say brand x of parenthood sites came today.  I signed up for this newsletter as it shares info on weekly changes/what to look for with our baby every week she gets older.  Okay cool until today I read it and it has a little paragraph about going back to work vs SAHM (stay at home mom) and how it is natural to question your decision and the part that made my blood boil was when it said that it is never too late to change your mind.  Then it said you had to think about it emotionally and financially.  Well malarkey - my emotions are screaming quit quit quit but the reality is that my job covers my husband and now my daughters medical/Dental/vision and even life ins on myself and my husband.  And the medical plan is really really good like we did not pay a penny for my hospital delivery. Then you add that my salary pays around 40 percent of household bills like cable/utilities and our shopping / grocery budget and I have a free car I want to find the author of that terrible tip and ask them how is it not too late to change my mind?  We have our budget typed/excel sheet format and know our finances to a t how can I change my mind nitwit when I am supposed to return to work in 3 weeks and your little article says I can just proof change my mind and in 3 weeks we replace a car, now take on extra expense of gas for 2 cars and health insurance and just magically create the money that pays for the bills and groceries?  Yeah I guess the author didn't consider that there are women out there bringing home the bacon and can't just drop a job because it is "never too late to change our mind". That is my vent for today but to the women working hard for the money, bringing home the bacon, being a significant financial contributor to their household or equal contributor or bread winner , not just working small time but really hoofing it out there - God bless you!

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